Weight Loss Treatment for Sleep Apnea – Denton, TX

Reduce Your Weight & Minimize Your Symptoms

Woman smiling after weight loss treatment for sleep apnea in Denton

Our nurse practitioner, Katie Collier, understands how extra weight can contribute to symptoms of sleep apnea, like chronic fatigue and breathing cessation. Without proper treatment, too much weight can increase your risk of developing serious health problems, including sleep apnea. As part of our team of experts at Star Sleep & Wellness in Denton, she can help illuminate the connection between sleep apnea and weight as well as provide nutrition counseling that’s designed to help you lose weight and improve your health. Call our office today to schedule a consultation with Katie for weight loss treatment for sleep apnea.

What Causes Obesity?

Person wrapping tape measure around their torso

People of all ages, including children, can experience negative effects on their health and wellbeing due to excess weight. In fact, it’s estimated that 33% of adults and 21% of children between the ages of 10 and 17 in the state of Texas are categorized as obese. Having too much weight on your body can be due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Not being active enough
  • Sleep disorders or sleep apnea that causes fatigue
  • Genetics
  • Medications
  • Societal determinants

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Frustrated man sitting awake in bed

There are multiple different types of sleep apnea in Denton, the most common of which is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It’s due to soft tissues collapsing and blocking the airway, keeping air from freely flowing in and out of the body as you sleep. Once the brain has noticed that you’re not getting the amount of air necessary for it to function, it will trigger the body to wake up, causing frequent interruptions to your sleep throughout the night. As the condition goes untreated, this disorder can result in the development of a wide array of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.

There are many different causes of sleep apnea, including too much weight around the neck, causing the oral tissues to easily collapse and create airway obstruction, a narrow throat, nasal congestion, smoking, or a deviated septum.

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Weight

Person stepping on bathroom scale

Being overweight or obese doesn’t mean that you have sleep apnea-- it could just increase your risk of developing the disorder, especially if you have fat accumulations around your neck that could make it more likely that your airway becomes obstructed when you sleep due to the extra weight.

Just like how your weight can increase your risk of sleep apnea, your sleep apnea can also impact your weight. Research has shown that an irregular sleep cycle and deprivation can lead to:

  • A slower metabolism
  • Greater risk of diabetes due to reduced insulin sensitivity
  • Increased craving for sugar and starch
  • Minimal physical activity
  • Fatty liver disease

Sleep Apnea and Weight Loss

Woman catching her breath while walking outdoors

For overweight people who experience symptoms of sleep apnea, diet and exercise may be able to help minimize them. When done in conjunction with a professional like nurse Katie Collier, weight loss can be highly effective and safe, leading to improved overall health and sleep, and reduced risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other health conditions.

The adoption of daily exercising and improved nutrition can improve your quality of life, but it may be needed in conjunction with other treatments that we offer here at Star Sleep & Wellness in Denton. We’ll work closely with you to do everything we can to improve your daily function and regulate your sleep patterns and energy levels.

How Star Sleep & Wellness in Denton Can Help

Smiling woman in light blue blouse

Sleep nurse practitioner Katie Collier is here to help you navigate your treatment process and lose weight to get better sleep. She’ll begin the process by reviewing your personal and family medical history with you and discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing. She’ll also speak with you about any attempts you may have made to lose weight in the past and your experience with that.

Using our InBody scale, Katie will measure your body composition, including your weight, body mass index, percentage of body fat, visceral fat, basal metabolic rate, and fluid status. This will allow her to determine the appropriate number of calories needed to help you lose weight.

To make a comprehensive plan, Katie will also create a nutrition guide to help you prepare meals as well as teach you how to properly read nutrition labels, determine when to eat, add appropriate exercise into your schedule, and if you’re a candidate for anti-obesity medications. These will help reduce your appetite and regulate your hunger. Your plan may also include routine monthly follow-up appointments to track your progress.

Understanding the Cost of Weight Loss Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Sleep center team member showing patient where to sign on clipboard

Just like no two bodies are the same, no two patients are! The cost of weight loss treatment for sleep apnea in Denton can vary because of this. Your plan will be curated based on your individual needs, so it’s going to be completely customized. If anti-obesity medications are necessary in your treatment, there’s a chance that your medical insurance will help cover the cost as well as your regular scheduled visits. A member of our team will help you review your benefits and determine whether you should expect any out-of-pocket costs before beginning treatment.